To The Point
11/25/2011 | By: Emil Jurado, Manila Standard Today
“…My colleague Babe Romualdez who writes a column—in fact two columns in another newspaper—says that members of the Philamlife-owned Tower Club are now regretting buying membership shares there. Amenities and services in that exclusive and elitist club—where a share is valued at P600,000—are deteriorating.
Romualdez adds that many Tower Club members are now looking forward to the opening of the City Club at the corner of Ayala Avenue and Malugay Street. This can make the Tower Club look like a sari-sari store. City Club will boast of all the services and amenities that mark the lifestyle of the rich and famous.
According to Mario Oreta, president of Alphaland Corp., a rising conglomerate in property development, City Club shares are now going at P1 million—and still rising. Construction is in full swing. The establishment will open its doors early next year.
I cannot blame members of Tower Club, mostly friends of mine, from getting frustrated. They are now looking forward to becoming members of the City Club.”